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  • FILM PORTRAITS | Cinzia Toscano Fotografia

    Sono da poco entrata nel mondo della fotografia analogica perché volevo rallentare, fotografare meno ma più spesso e pensare di più. Sono in ascolto, esploro il mezzo e creo un nuovo linguaggio tra me e il mondo che si manifesta davanti ai miei occhi e le immagini che ho nella mia mente.

  • STUDIO PORTRAITS | Cinzia Toscano Ph

    portraits For more of this series Per altre foto di Teresa va qui Copyright © Cinzia Toscano All rights reserved

  • DECOSTRUZIONE | Cinzia Toscano Ph

    Decostruzione Questa sequenza nasce da un'idea di Teresa che ha voluto fortemente realizzare

  • Marrakech | Cinzia Toscano Ph

    Marrakech After 13 years from the first time, I returned to Marrakech, a mythical place to which I am very attached. I found a profoundly changed Marrakech. Outside the walls of the medina, a modern city has emerged, with rich residential buildings, restaurants, luxury hotels and internationally renowned night clubs. Wide streets and lush gardens give a sense of airy, fresh and manicured. In the medina in reality it seems that little has changed. In fact, the humblest people hardly manage to climb the social ladder and just those who can work in the countless activities related to tourism manage to lead a slightly easier life than those who, every day, leave home to earn the day. The craftsmen have always been a characteristic of this city and it is not uncommon for rich Europeans to turn to them to furnish their homes with a touch of the exotic. Along the alleys of the city and its seething souk, an intense overlap of smells and colors accompanies you. Cooking spices, body oils, small take-away food shops, pastry shops, street vendors of edibles, cedar or olive wood furniture, leather goods and tanners, fantastic jewels of Berber inspiration and falsely ancient, reflections of the thousand colors of metal lamps, it is like being inside a kaleidoscope and making it part of it, as we tourists are an essential part of the population of these alleys. Before leaving, I thought a lot about what to do about photos. I am very lazy and my camera, although it is the stuff of amateur photographers (therefore relatively light) does not make me feel too comfortable carrying it around from morning to night. Moreover with the camera in hand, I would have photographed more than seen and I would not have been a great company for those who accompanied me to whom I was very keen to show those places I love. So I said to myself: I will only use my faithful Iphone 7 Plus. Finally arrived in Marrakech, I read somewhere that it is one of the most Instagrammed cities in the world. To which I say to myself: I have fallen into the cliché and already I feel rejection. Actually in Morocco, it is practically inevitable to photograph clichés because it is an incredibly photogenic land. So here it is. Something of what is typically seen, which characterizes this beautiful city, and those who live there. Plus a little foray into the ocean. There is not even remotely claiming to provide a guide, here is lacking many of the main attractions and places of tourist interest. But my hands and eyes, for some reason, moved for these things here, from A to Z. © Copyright Home STUDIO PORTRAITS Nuova pagina CARLO VANESSA ARIANNA AMBRA VIRGINIA Annamaria TERESA FEDERICA 2021 DIANA AWA ANGELA MARTINA FIORELLA TIZIANA PASQUALE JOLE MASSIMO AMY ILENIA CHEF FEDERICA FRANCESCO OMAGGIO A GUSTAVO NAZARENO Nuova pagina Nuova pagina Nuova pagina PERSONAL BREVI MEDITAZIONI SUL MOTO LE COSE NON DETTE FRUTTI ROSSI TIDES Le porte chiuse DI MURA E CASE The misinterpretation of a hotel room Beirut Lockdown METODI DI ADATTAMENTO Covare CONFINEMENT RANDOM IN BIANCO La moglie del pescatore IN PRINCIPIO FU IL CAOS In assenza del corpo VERDE QUE TE QUIERO VERDE Come in corpo, così in terra Propositi per il nuovo anno Another Sleepless night El amor en los tiempos del colera Rain is over Guessing game IO SONO IN CASA MENTRE FUORI LA PRIMAVER Equilibrium Our Lady of Care Messages for me Silence for Dinner STORIES VIA TRENTO MACRICO BACI DA SCAURI I Volti dell'Accoglienza S.P.R.A.R. Bottega Bottone La vestizione Pizzeria Nello RITRATTO SU COMMISSIONE Nuova pagina STAMPE About Blog Risultati di ricerca

  • COMMISSIONS | Cinzia Toscano Fotografia

    ON COMMISSION Il ritratto su commissione non riguarda solo la propria immagine ed il desiderio di averne un ricordo indelebile, può riguardare anche il desiderio di raccontare il proprio lavoro, la propria passione, avere una testimonianza di ciò che ti motiva quotidianamente. Qui di seguito un assaggio di cose che ho realizzato per truccatrici, artisti ed insegnati di discipline sportive. ​ Per ricevere maggiori informazioni su modalità e costi scrivimi 1/2 Copyright © Cinzia Toscano All rights reserved

  • About | Cinzia Toscano Fotografia

    I started taking pictures several years ago just to "kill time", I got immediately passionate and I never stopped. Over the years I have explored themes of my interest including photojournalism with Mario Laporta, fiction photography with Guia Sara Besana, cinematic illumination with Graziano Panfili, portrait with Lua Fisher at the Lens Escuela de Artes Visuales school in Madrid. For me, photography is like walking. A need and a necessity, something I do every day. Like walking, also photography come with my tempo, following different rhythms and choreographies depending on the moment, on how I feel and what I want to tell. I like to experiment and use different languages ​​that make me reach my goal, that is to express myself, bring out my way of feeling and share it with those who want to stop their gaze on my photographs. Acknowledgments: Nomination at the 13th International Color Awards in the amateur "Fine Art" category Semi-finalist in the Amateur Portrait category at the 2020 Head On Photography Award Gold medal in the “Buildings” category at the Maghreb Photography Awards 2020 Bronze medal in the “Nature” category at the Maghreb Photography Awards 2020 Nomination as fine art photographer in the amateur category, at the Spider Awards 2020 Finalist of the 2020 competition organized by PartiSolution with the theme "The Absence" Selected for the Passpartout Prize 2021 , I published on the online magazine . and on the web . . Exhibitions: 2019, at "Officina Teatro" of Caserta, personal exhibition of the work "In the body so in the soil" 2020 collective exhibition of the review “Another look”, curated by Mario Laporta. The review provides for a personal exposure of the individual authors, but due to the restrictions due to Covid, everything has been postponed to a later date. 2021 Collective exhibition in a virtual gallery on a future date of the finalist photos of the Parti Solutions competition 2021 Collective exhibition in a virtual gallery on the Passpartout Prize website Link La riproduzione delle mie fotografie su siti web, blog, social media senza il mio permesso è vietata. Se vuoi usare le mie foto o vuoi prenotare una sessione di ritratto SCRIVIMI ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ BIO STATEMENT Vivo la fotografia come uno strumento per conoscere il mondo e chi lo abita. Sono convinta che ci siano storie che devono essere raccontate e persone che vogliono essere viste, il compito del fotografo è saperle ascoltare con gli occhi, e restituire quanto sentito al mondo attraverso la fotografia. Porto avanti progetti personali ed eseguo ritratti su commissione. Amo creare una relazione con la persona che ho davanti all'obiettivo, affinché la creazione sia frutto di una collaborazione in cui io possa esprimere liberamente la mia visione nel pieno rispetto della persona che ho davanti.

  • STAMPE | Cinzia Toscano Fotografia

    STAMPE Le stampe sono di tipo "Fine Art" realizzate su carte speciali che ne assicurano la qualità e la durata nel tempo. PER CONOSCERE DIMENSIONI E COSTI BASTA CLICCARE SULLA FOTO. I prezzi indicati NON includono i costi di spedizione. Per ordini ed informazioni scrivimi cliccando sulla busta da lettera qua sotto specificando il nome della foto di interesse e la dimensione prescelta:

  • MANN apologia del marmo | Cinzia Toscano Ph

    MANN Apology of marble 1/5 Copyright © Cinzia Toscano All rights reserved A series of photographs shown here only in small part. The sculptures in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples reflect the charm that the sculptures in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples transmit to me. It is marble, of course, full of life, sensuality, impulses and shades. I portrayed them as if they were human figures, because I'm sure this is how the sculptors wanted them to reach us This is a series of photographs shown here only in a small part. They reflect the enchantment transmitted to me by the sculptures in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples. It is marble, of course, full of life, sensuality, impulses and nuances. I portrayed them as human figures, because I'm sure the sculptors wanted give us this idea of ​​them

  • PERSONAL | Cinzia Toscano Fotografia

    PERSONAL PROJECTS “Paradox has often helped to pass from tangible to intangible. In order for the photographer to free himself from the tyranny of visual facts on which he completely depends, paradox is the only possible tool. And the paradox-talisman for unique, incomparable photography is to work on the "mirror of memory" as if it were a mirage, and the camera a machine capable of metamorphosis, and photography a metaphor ... Once freed from the tyranny of surfaces and structures, substance and form, the photographer will be able to reach the truth of the poets " Minor White BREVI MEDITAZIONI SUL MOTO LE COSE NON DETTE OMAGGIO A GUSTAVO DE NAZARENO FRUTTI ROSSI TIDES COVARE LE PORTE CHIUSE THE MISINTERPRETATION OF A HOTEL ROOM IN ASSENZA DEL CORPO COME IN CORPO, COSì IN TERRA ANOTHER SLEEPLESS NIGHT PROPOSITI PER IL NUOVO ANNO DI MURA E CASE LOCKDOWN LETTER TO BEIRUT OUR LADY OF CARE EQUILIBRIUM RAIN IS OVER GUESSING GAME SILENCE FOR DINNER

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