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I started taking pictures several years ago just to "kill time", I got immediately passionate and I never stopped.

Over the years I have explored themes of my interest including photojournalism with Mario Laporta, fiction photography with Guia Sara Besana, cinematic illumination with Graziano Panfili, portrait with Lua Fisher at the Lens Escuela de Artes Visuales school in Madrid.


For me, photography is like walking. A need and a necessity, something I do every day. Like walking, also photography come with my tempo,  following different rhythms and choreographies depending on the moment, on how I feel and what I want to tell. I like to experiment and use different languages ​​that make me reach my goal, that is to express myself, bring out my way of feeling and share it with those who want to stop their gaze on my photographs.




  • Nomination at the 13th International Color Awards in the amateur "Fine Art" category

  • Semi-finalist in the Amateur Portrait category at the 2020 Head On Photography Award

  • Gold medal in the “Buildings” category at the Maghreb Photography Awards 2020

  • Bronze medal in the “Nature” category at the Maghreb Photography Awards 2020

  • Nomination as fine art photographer in the amateur category, at the Spider Awards 2020

  • Finalist of the 2020 competition organized by PartiSolution with the theme "The Absence"

  • Selected for the Passpartout Prize 2021


I published on the online magazine .

and on the web





  • 2019, at "Officina Teatro" of Caserta, personal exhibition of the work "In the body so in the soil"

  • 2020 collective exhibition of the review “Another look”, curated by Mario Laporta. The review provides for a personal exposure of the individual authors, but due to the restrictions due to Covid, everything has been postponed to a later date.

  • 2021 Collective exhibition in a virtual gallery on a future date of the finalist photos of the Parti Solutions competition

  • 2021 Collective exhibition in a virtual gallery on the Passpartout Prize website



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La riproduzione delle mie fotografie su siti web, blog, social media senza il mio permesso è vietata.

Se vuoi usare le mie foto o vuoi prenotare una sessione di ritratto SCRIVIMI




Vivo la fotografia come uno strumento per conoscere il mondo e chi lo abita. 

Sono convinta che ci siano storie che devono essere raccontate e persone che vogliono essere viste, il compito del fotografo è saperle ascoltare con gli occhi, e restituire quanto sentito al mondo attraverso la fotografia.

Porto avanti progetti personali ed eseguo ritratti su commissione.

Amo creare una relazione con la persona che ho davanti all'obiettivo, affinché la creazione sia frutto di una collaborazione in cui io possa esprimere liberamente la mia visione nel pieno rispetto della persona che ho davanti.

Copyright © Cinzia Toscano

All rights reserved

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