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  • PERSONAL | Cinzia Toscano Fotografia

    PERSONAL PROJECTS “Paradox has often helped to pass from tangible to intangible. In order for the photographer to free himself from the tyranny of visual facts on which he completely depends, paradox is the only possible tool. And the paradox-talisman for unique, incomparable photography is to work on the "mirror of memory" as if it were a mirage, and the camera a machine capable of metamorphosis, and photography a metaphor ... Once freed from the tyranny of surfaces and structures, substance and form, the photographer will be able to reach the truth of the poets " Minor White BREVI MEDITAZIONI SUL MOTO LE COSE NON DETTE OMAGGIO A GUSTAVO DE NAZARENO FRUTTI ROSSI TIDES COVARE LE PORTE CHIUSE THE MISINTERPRETATION OF A HOTEL ROOM IN ASSENZA DEL CORPO COME IN CORPO, COSì IN TERRA ANOTHER SLEEPLESS NIGHT PROPOSITI PER IL NUOVO ANNO DI MURA E CASE LOCKDOWN LETTER TO BEIRUT OUR LADY OF CARE EQUILIBRIUM RAIN IS OVER GUESSING GAME SILENCE FOR DINNER

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